RESONANCE has developed a first version of the Data and Service Marketplace to facilitate collaboration between technology, service and data providers in the development of solutions for demand-side flexibility management.

Consisting of two distinct services, the platform can be used to advertise and discover services, tools and data assets.

The Service Marketplace
The Service Marketplace enables technology providers such as smart appliance developers and building automation companies to make their solutions easily discoverable and available for flexibility service providers and system integrators who could be ESCOs or VPP operators. By publishing their solutions into the Resource Manager, Customer Energy Manager, Aggregation & Market Integration Catalogues, the technology providers can promote them in the energy ecosystem. In turn, system integrators and service providers are provided with simple configuration and deployment tools so that they can easily tailor Resource Manager, Customer Energy Manager and Aggregation solutions to their customers, who can then rate the solution similar to rating apps in mobile app stores.

The Data Marketplace
The RESONANCE Marketplace offers a discrete Data Marketplace with easy access to historical data collected within the energy ecosystem e.g., energy, sensor, control, weather and market data, thereby enabling a framework in which energy stakeholders (including end users) can easily get connected with interested parties for data sharing. Thus, the platform supports the uptake of demand-side flexibility management services by enabling technology and service providers, including SMEs and start-ups, to engage with the data owners, who could be consumers, prosumers, aggregators or operators, and to explore options for essential information exchange that could support energy sharing or flexibility solutions.

Read more in the report D5.2 Initial Data and Service Marketplaces with Deployment and Configuration Tools

The final version of the RESONANCE Data and Service Marketplace is due in September 2025 and will include added functionalities. For the Service Marketplace, this means shopping cart & order tracking, further integration of configuration & deployment tools and ranking options. For the Data Marketplace, functionalities such as pricing policies for the use of data and energy & flexibility trading auctions are planned.

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